It is a home coming for new Bowls Taranaki Executive Officer Ian Lewis.

Lewis has this week commenced employment with Bowls Taranaki and the former bowls champion himself is itching to get involved in the game once again.

Lewis followed his brother, Stephen, into bowls, when in 2007 he joined Paritutu, the very location where the Executive Officer for Bowls Taranaki is based. However, his tenure there was short as he and his now wife, Kim, headed off for a working holiday to the United Kingdom.

When they returned in 2010 it was to Palmerston North, where Ian found his whites once again. He joined the Palmerston North club, claimed a couple of junior centre titles and was the Manawatu centre secretary for two seasons.

Kim’s job as a radiographer took them to Opononi, where Ian’s bowls excelled. In addition to serving on the local club’s committee and having stints as secretary and treasurer, Ian amassed an impressive nine senior Far North centre titles and a gold star.

Kim’s work brought the family – which now includes Katie and Jessica, who are both at primary school – back to their New Plymouth base in 2019.

While Ian has been able to continue his art– he holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts – time is a bit more precious these days. Sadly, that has meant not playing bowls.

But the new role will satisfy a lot of the passion that Ian has for the sport.

“Growing up in Taranaki I was obviously aware of the importance of bowls to the community. And having started my own bowls whilst still living here, I fully understand the importance of the role and of Bowls Taranaki,” Ian said.

“I’m excited by the future and am looking to make a positive difference to the game here.”