
Our Greenkeepers Association provides assistance and workshops for improving Greens and Greenkeepers skills and knowledge. We have some of the best greens in the country, and some of the best greenkeepers. Maurice Symes is secretary for the Greenkeepers Association.


Our Coaches Association assists with the training of Coaches and individual sessions for players. Our High Performance Programme assists with development of players wishing to play at Representative level. Moe Kelly is President of the Coaches Association


Our Umpires Association organises training and Umpires for events throughout Taranaki. Umpires can go on to umpire at National and International events. President of the Umpires Association is David Brunton.

For More Information:RepresentativesParabowlsThe BoardDocumentsCentre ProgrammeCentre HandbookTSB Bank Bowls MuseumHistory