Bowls3five to Inglewood

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Inglewood have become the fourth winners of the Taranaki Open bowls3five title. On Tuesday (22/02/22) evening at Stratford-Avon, the Inglewood side of Cindy Nicoll, Len Spick and Paul Howell have taken out the title.

The side needed a tie-breaker to win both its semi and final games on the evening.

Howell’s team squared off against Paritutu’s Briar Atkinson, Kaylin Huwyler and skip Hamish Kape in the decider. Inglewood won the first set 8-0, before Paritutu took the second 13-0, with one-end left unplayed. That saw it all come down to the tie-breaker, with Nicoll, Spick and Howell taking the single to earn the right to represent Taranaki in the playoffs later in the season.

In the earlier semifinals, Inglewood beat West End (Trish Howard, Darren Scott, Bruce Colgan) 5-7, 7-4, 1-0 in one semifinal. In the other semi, Paritutu defeated Hawera Park (Judy Stuart, Sean Prinsloo, Kristin Stampa) 13-2, 6-0.

The semifinals and final of the junior bowls3five event will be contested between two Paritutu sides, Stratford-Avon and Inglewood at Lepperton on Wednesday (23/02/22) evening.

For the full results of the Taranaki open Bowls3five, go to: Bowls3five results

Past winners of the Taranaki open Bowls3five event:

2019 West End

2020 Paritutu

2021 New Plymouth

2022 Inglewood
