By Gyde its a Family Affair at the Taranaki Open Mens Fours Bowling Tournament

Gyde Family Bowls Team

The Gyde family bowling team has yet to hit on the winning streak in the Taranaki Open Men’s Fours tournament.

The Inglewood four of father Barry, sons Chris and Kevin, and cousin Don are newcomers to the tournament which began this week on greens around the region.

The 116th annual tournament has retained its reputation, in spite of the absence of Australian entries due to Covid 19, as one of the most popular national bowling competitions.

The Gyde combination, one of five teams entered from Inglewood Bowling Club, are just happy to be one of the 164 teams involved.

The four, was formed specifically to play in the Open Fours tournament.

After three days of qualifying rounds, wins have been hard to come by for the team, which needed to win six from eight games to qualify for the play-offs.

“We’re still chasing our first win,” said Kevin, who, with brother Chris, is a bowling novice.

Chris and Kevin’s lack of bowling experience is made up for by older hands, Don and Barry.

“It’s their first year at playing bowls, and our first Taranaki Open as a team,” Barry said.

“It gives them both an opportunity chance to play alongside Don and me.

“We haven’t had a win yet but we have some good fun along the way.”

The team, stalwarts of Inglewood club rugby, enjoyed the camaraderie generated by mixing with players from around New Zealand and listening to more experienced bowlerswho have generously passed on tips, he said.

Don, the skip, has guided the team through the basic skills, while Barry, back on the greens after two knee replacements, adds valuable input.

“The first day was about learning the ropes,” Don said.

“We’ve got no hope of winning it outright, but we might be able to upset some teams.

“Our objective at the start was to win at least one game.

“It will be a great night in Inglewood when we have our first win.”

Mike Watson