Revital Fertilisers Taranaki Teams Announced for National Intercentre

Congratulations to the following players who have been picked to represent Taranaki at the National Intercentre Finals.

Singles: Briar Atkinson
Pairs: Alethea Rowlands, Chris Commane (sk)
Fours: Lesley Te Awa, Tina Atkinson-Watt, Jackie Moeahu, Gale Fache (sk)
Selector: Don Christensen

Singles: Darren Goodin
Pairs: Aidan Zittersteijn, Dean Elgar (sk)
Fours: Bruce Colgan, Kurt Smith, Steve Walker, Craig De Faria (sk)
Selector: John Garrud, Manager: Bruce Hall

*Hamish Kape was not considered for selection

Good luck to all.