Taranaki accommodation

Taranaki accommodation

Bowlers attending the Taranaki Open fours and New Zealand fours and mixed pairs

We are aware of some players experiencing difficulties in securing accommodation. Unfortunately, the market is tight because of both the increasing number of Air BnB properties (thereby denying the usual quantity of rented houses) and the clashing of other events in Taranaki.

Below are some options for accommodation:

The Flamingo Motel
355 Devon Street West, New Plymouth
Phone: Tony or Maree on 0508 352 646 or 06 758 8149.

Pacific International Hotel Management School (PIHMS)
Hostel type accommodation
Rooms are available at the Pacific International Hotel Management School (PIHMS), 4 Henwood Road, Bell Block. An entire wing of 2 bed rooms, with own shower fridge and TV is available for bowlers. Continental breakfast is included with a cost of $100 per room for two. They will look at providing an evening meal for a charge, but would need to know demand and numbers to do this. Please ensure that you advise you are bowlers.
Phone: 0800 100 331
Email: info@pihms.ac.nz

Quest Apartments
The Quest Apartments are also another option. They have availability and have said they will do a good rate for bowlers. The person who we have dealt with is Marryn Wallace, Duty Manager.
Quest New Plymouth
21 Currie Street, New Plymouth
T: +64 06 758 5483  M: +64 27 719 1014
Website: www.questnewplymouth.co.nz